Wednesday, February 13

Job Interviews are like Blind Dates

Ok, so I have never gone on a blind date - but, with all the interviewing I have been doing during this current span of a job search - I feel confident enough in my experience to make some education guesses to back up that statement. My stomach gets all tied in knots on my way to an interview. Even though I have taken extra time to get ready - shower, hair, even makeup. I lay out my "professional" outfit the night before, and stock my leather portfolio with fresh copies of my resume and references. I try to come up with thoughtful, intelligent questions about the company, the job description, the work environment.

Same would be sure for a blind date, I can imagine (minus the portfolio)... but with even more heightened attention to smelling good and coming across as "cool and confident, relaxed." All the while those nerves bubbling up in my stomach. The searching, frantically for some fascinating topic to bring up. "Is he attractive? Does he think I'm cute? Am I talking too much? Is my breath minty fresh? Can we order wine....soon?"

Interviews are just akward things, totally nerve wracking. The back and forth chit-chat about where I am from, what got me to this phase of my life, my interests, career skills...blah, blah, blah. In truth, they are just sizing me up....taking me in...judging me. And that's fair - I signed up for the torture. But man, it takes a LOT out of me. A lot.

I had an interview this morning - at a local wine shop. (I thought of you, Courtney!) The speciality manager there needs an assistant to help with making sure the store looks and feels good, to design the window displays, put together gift baskets, prepare chocolate and cheese platters for tasting parties. Inventory, some customer relations, etc. Doesn't that sound fun?? It seems awesome to me! And I really liked the gal I met with. She is our age and really enjoys working there. It is in a great location on a cobblestone street in a section with local theatre, quaint restaurants and unique boutiques (by the way....random thought...wouldn't "Unique Boutique" be a fabulous store name?...anyway - I digress). It would be part time, which in some ways is lovely and in some ways terrible. The pay is no where near what I made before, even if they did give me full-time hours. But, the flexible schedule would allow me to pick up a second part-time job as well.

That second job may be an office position at a local church. The one I mentioned in my last posting. (I have the interview in 2 hours from now!!!) But, they don't pay well either. So - I would have a full and busy schedule - but not even make half of the salary I need to live on up here.

But, what I have been thinking is.... it has been MONTHS since I had any real routine. Sure, I get up relatively early in the day and make to do lists, conquer projects and keep busy - BUT, this structured schedule, as poorly as it pays, would get my into a rhythm again. I would also feel better about making some money of my own, instead of borrowing more from my folks. Those are probably two good reasons to pursue this avenue, right? I will have to keep my efforts going to look for a permanent full-time, well paying job...but, this plan may help bridge the gap a little until that materializes. Oh how I would much rather be working hard maintaining a home, raising children, growing as a wife! But, apparently God has different ideas for me right now - and I need to accept that.

So wish me luck on my second blind date....errrr....interview, of the day! Off I go!


Anonymous said...

Well.. I must admit.. the wine shop job sounds WAY MORE appealing than the church receptionist.. course this is coming from a pervious wine shop manager herself.. and I can tell you this.. organizing and decorating the store displays.. is alot of fun if you like to creative inviting space (like I know you do). So definitely look into that. Course working in a church environment would be good too.. more time to surf the net for jobs.. (talk to Becky about this, she did do this for a while in BMT).

I can also see how interviewing is like blind dates.. though I've never thought of them that way.. I will from now on.

Let me know how date #2 goes today!

Also.. you never know what God has in store through these opportunities either.. so continue to be open to Him!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

The wine shop sounds way cool. Why is it that the fun jobs don't pay well? Can't wait to hear how it goes. I have never been on a blind date either but it seems like it would be a lot like you described.

Becky Swann said...

blind dates are for the birds, sometimes you will go on one when you work at a restaurant with let's say...Courtney, and she helps talk you into it and he turns out to be a recent highschool grad (when I was 23)that ends up calling you drunk in the middle of the night saying he just wants a chance. Sooo hopefully your job interviews will go smoother than that.
Oh april I have my blog open now too and I saw that you were commenting on mine at the exact same moment, I feel like we should make a wish or something!
As for the jobs a church job has it's good points, lots of old women loving on you and getting to really help people that call...
but the wine shop sounds like alot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Becky.. I so don't remember that.. did I convence you to go on a blind date.. or did we double blind date.. I hate that I don't remember this.. who was it??

Becky Swann said...

Courtney-it was that guy when we worked at highland that that other waitress Rebecca was setting me up with..and you were like..go, it'll be fun..but we had no idea

Anonymous said...

I still don't remember.. I have a horrible memory.. Maybe I just blocked that whole "time" out of my mind.. = )