Wednesday, November 14

I have been tagged....

Mama Beck Swann tagged me a few days ago....and I need to get at it and post my response. This was actually harder to come up with than I thought it would be. Pressure, pressure. Let's see, 10 things about me you may not know:

1. Aside from groceries and basic necessities, I would rather buy everything at a thrift shop, fleamarket or yard sale. Half because I see it as a concious way of recycling, and half because I like having different/unique stuff.

2. If I could go everyday barefoot (except for extreme cold temps, obviously), I would! So, I am much more a fan of flip flips than sandals. More into sandals than shoes. More into shoes than boots. Not a lover of socks.

3. I have a terrible habit of picking my face. I get out the magnifying mirror several times a week- pinching and poking until I bleed and make everything much worse.

4. I have 17 cousins, all under the age of 31. We are spread out across the country and the globe! Korea, Canada, Africa, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, NC, SC, Maryland, Virginia, Colorado and Texas.

5. Not including my immediate family, I've had 19 roomates - counting college and "real world". Most of them fabulous, a handful - not so much. I live on my own now, and have been in my place for a bit over 3 years. It was about time. I worry that since I am so comfortable on my own, it will be very difficult to share my space again - like with a husband (Lord willing).

6. My middle name is Anne. My mother's middle name is Ann. My first name came from a movie she watched during her teenage years. She wrote it down in her journal, in case later in life, she had a daughter! No matter what month I arrived, my name was going to be April. So, thankfully I was born in that month. It makes it a lot easier to explain! Haha. If I were a boy, my folks were gonna call me Chad Steven.

7. I do not have any favorite movies. I enjoy watching movies, but a week after I have seen it - I pretty much have forgotten the entire thing - premise, actors, theme...gone. BUT, if I start watching it again....and recall that I have, in fact, viewed it before, I lose interest. So, the only DVDs I own were gifts to me. I don't have, and don't want, a movie collection.

8. I am still afraid of the dark sometimes. Usually when I am in an unfamiliar place - like out of town at a hotel, or visiting a friend's house for the weekend. Someplace that I am not used to. I will run a little and leep onto the bed, to avoid getting my bare toes too close to the monster who may be lurking just behind the bed skirt....waiting to grab me! Yes, I am 28....and yes, I ought to be completely over that. But, there it is.

9. I do pee in the shower from time to time. Sometimes it is just easier than jumping out, dripping, into the freezing bathroom, and getting my toilet seat all wet. And, there is a real sense of release, too! Haha. Speaking of showers....I take a really cold soda into a hot shower and it is great! (cheap thrills) Suds up, gulp, gulp, wash and rinse the hair....gulp, gulp...shave the legs, gulp, gulp. Condition the get the idea. Try it sometime!

10. I would like to live in a yurt someday, preferrably lake side, with a view of the sunrise and the stars. yurt (–noun: a tentlike dwelling of the Mongol and Turkic peoples of central Asia, consisting of a cylindrical wall of poles in a lattice arrangement with a conical roof of poles, both covered by felt or skins)


Becky Swann said...

Oh goodie, I knew you would be good at this, I love that I know all this about you now, you are so cool, I've always thought so, I will always think so.
I have 26 cousins under the age of 31! we should all get together and hang out soon :), I hope you get to live in a yurt, (at first I thought you had accidentally mispelled yacht, and I was like ooo me too, then I read the definition and thought, yeah maybe just april on this one;) I hate socks as well, it's like they take too much time to put on or something.

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i pee in the shower!!! i say it loud and proud. it is sterile right?!

Anonymous said...

That soda in the shower is really a beer and you know it!! = )