Tuesday, December 4

Trees and Trims

Here are a few pictures of my Christmas tree and one of my new haircut. I got highlights, too, since my roots were looking really dark! I have an interview tomorrow for a job with a custom home building company, and then hopefully another interview later this week for a communications position....so, I figured it was time for a fresh look!!!


Sunday Grant Photography said...

everything looks so wonderful. don't you just love tree lights. i LOVE them. your hair looks awesome too. please keep us posted on the job.

Becky Swann said...

You look great and so does your tree! I love that wall color it is really cool. good luck with the job interviews! I'm sure you will knock um dead!

Anonymous said...

Love the tree girl! So nice and cute! It looks good in that super cute green apt you have too!

I'll be thinking of your job interviews too!

We REALLY need to plan a get together! I miss you babe!

Anonymous said...

When are you going to update us??

Sorry about the other night when you called. I had just gotten to Kyle's becuase my camera had arrived.. and I knew if we talked it would be long (since we hadn't on the phone in a while) but thanks for the message. I didn't mean 'I missed your friendship" meaning it was different. I was just in a sappy moood that morning calling all my friends I haven't talked to in a while.. cause I miss you all since I'm in GA and your in DC and they are in NC.. so that was mysappy missing friends moment. .. but I do love you to death and I don't mind visiting you there!.. It would be hard to bring paul too.. so once you've got the job (to which I understand) and you make it this way.. you can meet him! I love you!

Jason and Jennifer Haynes said...

Oh I don't know what happened? I thought I left you a comment the other day? Oops I guess it didn't go through...OR did I say something inappropriate and you deleted me :-)

Well here she is again. I love the haircut! I'm sure they people who were interviewing you were like "man we have to hire this girl...she looks so amazing!" ...and if they didn't say that, well, it's their loss! I hope the job search is over and has a happy ending.

I like your tree (sadly I'm sure it's not there anymore.) I agree with the gals too that your walls are very fun!

looking forward to the newest news in your life ~ Jen