For example...
I remember times with Stacey before Lee was in her life. She wouldn't meet him for years to come. She wondered what her future husband would be like. We cried out of loneliness together sometimes, we rejoiced in the freedoms we had, we experienced life together before this new chapter arrived.
I recall times when I hurt so badly for Stephanie, wanting her to just get rid of the guys that had bad intentions and didn't see her for all she is. It was painful to watch someone I loved treated so carelessly - and being careless, too, with their own heart. We struggled to discuss 'God's plan' and that He might just have set aside a partner out there for her (Andre!).
Pamela had a kindof whimiscal approach to her dating life. Before Josh came along, she was always with or interested in someone, but it had a feeling of just 'here and now' - not much talk of life beyond, the things marriage and families are made of. I am not sure she even knew exactly what she needed.
(not that any of us do)
So, now seeing these ladies so happy, having found their someone... is all the more exciting - knowing the build up, the background to it all. Not only that, but I smile BIG for the husbands-to-be, because they have found rare and lasting jewels! - - - Cheers!
That is one of my favorite photos of you! Cool to know that is Stacey too.. I assume the girl who is getting married who you just recently visited?? Or was that someone else?
i love your writing. keep writing and thinking and doing.
April!!!! Hello long lost friend, remember the days when we would email 80 times a day! We should start that up again:) I guess you having a blog is a great start! I'm so glad you have one I loved reading it so far and can't wait to read more!!!!
April sorry i signed that under Jeremiah's name he made up to be stupid. I am not nunya I am Becky
Good entry April. Welcome to blogger world. It's so good to see your beautiful face.
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